On 22/07/2010, Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info wrote:
Sorry, not better. This was in js/server_privileges.js, the .end() and .remove() lines.
For me it happens only if the MySQL server is not localhost, can you try this?
I should get access to another machine on Saturday/Sunday. I'll set up XAMPP on it and configure the second server in my phpMyAdmin and try to find why this is happening.
I just pushed some changes to the repository which should solve some of the problems that you and Herman noticed.
Problem #2: fixed.
Problem #3: fixed.
I'll work on Problem #4 today.
Didn't the addition of .clearQueue() to PMA_ajaxShowMessage() in js/functions.js fix problem #5? I tried all the actions which caused that problem on my system, and it was working fine.