Garvin Hicking wrote:
Hi All!
After many days of consequent spamming to this list, now a more appropriate topic:
What about a quick 2.5.1 RC? I certainly dislike the frameset bugs and the false variable propagation for safari users. Even though they are a minority, we have received a couple of bugreports, and this personally nags me, as I'm the shameful introducer of those nasty JavaScript creations :-]
Yes, how about on 2003-05-25 (this Sunday) ?
After then we should think about branching a 2.6 oder 3.0 trunk to start working on sessions, I propose. BTW, who's willing to put some work into it?
I am available to work on version 3, but I suggest we first take a few days to discuss the wish list.
- drop support for PHP3 and old MySQL - sessions (as an option, or mandatory? because PHP can be build with --disable-session) - dealing with old bugs...