Hi all,
The QueryWindow is a good idea :) Here are 2 small changes on the window.open, if you want to add them (queryframe.php) :
- First :
There is sometimes a problem with the syntax <a href="#" onClick="foo"> with certain navigator. I suggest this (more efficient i think)
------------------------------------- 89c89 < $href = '#'; ---
$href = $anchor;
91c91 < $onclick = 'onClick="javascript:open_querywindow('' . $anchor . ''); return false;"'; ---
$onclick = 'onClick="javascript:open_querywindow(this.href); return
false;"'; -------------------------------------
- Second :
Under IE, if you name your windows (second arg of window.open), this work *very very* slowly !!! Watch your CPU load in the task manager (under NT). It is incredible. So, I suggest to set name of window to '' or to '_blank' !
------------------------------------- 60c60 < querywindow=window.open(url + '&db=' + document.queryframeform.db.value + '&table=' + document.queryframeform.table.value, 'js_querywindow','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=1,menubar=0,scro llbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=<?php echo $cfg['QueryWindowWidth']; ?>,height=<?php echo $cfg['QueryWindowHeight']; ?>'); ---
querywindow=window.open(url + '&db=' +
document.queryframeform.db.value + '&table=' + document.queryframeform.table.value, '','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=1,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,res izable=yes,width=<?php echo $cfg['QueryWindowWidth']; ?>,height=<?php echo $cfg['QueryWindowHeight']; ?>'); -------------------------------------
What do you think about this ? I don't know if I still have access to the CVS, so, i'm not sure i can commit these changes (if you are agree with, of course).