2015-01-12 11:55 GMT+01:00 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info:
Le 2015-01-11 10:12, Hugues Peccatte a écrit :
While looking at source code, I saw that the navigation tree icon for table depends of NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable configuration variable, but icon for view is always linked to tbl_structure.php. Does someone know why the view icon isn't linked with this variable
Because the need to change the link target was never mentioned; also because the configuration variable's name is not NavigationTreeDefaultTabTableAndView.
Currently, there are 5 possible values for this configuration variable:
- 'tbl_structure.php' = fields list
- 'tbl_sql.php' = SQL form
- 'tbl_select.php' = search page
- 'tbl_change.php' = insert row page
- 'sql.php' = browse page
By the way, using script names as values for such variables has always bothered me. I would prefer more neutral strings like 'search', 'structure' and so on. But this is a separate discussion.
Maybe, one of them is not possible or not always (is "Insert row page" always accessible?). Looking at Sakila DB, it seems that, on a view, I can reach all these pages.
Not all views are insertable; see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/view-updatability.html. However, phpMyAdmin does not attempt to detect this when showing the menu tabs.
-- Marc Delisle | phpMyAdmin
Ok, thanks for your answer! I knew that some views weren't insertable/updatable (even without knowing the rules). But if pMA does not attempt to detect this, what do you think about using the same configuration variable to define link in navigation tree please? So this PR [1] could evolve to also apply to views.
I agree that using the filenames is not a good think to me. I do not see how to update the config variable with new keyword values…
[1] https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/pull/1457