Le 2012-03-19 05:54, Anshu Kumar a écrit :
Hi Guys,
I have looked your project ideas for GSoC 2012 and I would like to contribute to them. I have an idea which can be applied to the project mentioned there under the name of "Removal of Frames".
Currently what phpmyadmin has is 2 frames, 1 for navigation and 1 for workspace. So this can be improved to a 2 column navigation kind of system (without frames). Clicking on a link on the left pane will open the link in right hand side workspace. This would be just like the current navigation system but would be done without use of HTML frames.
Additionally there may be a separate work under the title of "Tabbed navigation for phpMyAdmin". What can be done in the project is adding a tabbed interface for the phpMyAdmin. Sometimes, while working with phpMyAdmin I do need to work on 2 tables simultaneously. This cant be done at a single instance of phpMyAdmin. In the tabbed interface what you can do is add as many tabs as you want and do specific work corresponding to every tab separately. This would enhance the usability of the software to a greater instance.
If I was unable to make you understand what am saying, please let me know.
what would be the advantage of using a tabbed interface for tables, compared to the current way of using "open new phpMyAdmin windows" button at the bottom (which I admit can pass unnoticed)?