2011/3/19 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info:
Le 2011-03-19 08:57, Dieter Adriaenssens a écrit :
2011/3/19 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info:
Le 2011-03-18 15:47, Dieter Adriaenssens a écrit :
2011/3/18 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info:
Please try this patch (on master): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3223137&group_id=23...
Comments are welcome.
I like option 2, but the space between the <<, < buttons and 'Page Number:' is bigger than between 'Page Number:' and the >, >> buttons.
Should be fixed now with navigation3.diff; first pull current master then apply.
Tests should be done with and without the ShowAll button activated.
- After clicking the ShowAll button, there is no way of disabling it,
because the button disappears. Reloading the page doesn't help.
Clicking the Show button works.
Yes, I tried it, and it works. But it doesn't seem too intuitive to me.
- I think the ShowAll button would fit better after the > and >> buttons.
It was there previously but I got a suggestion, that the > and >> buttons should be at the far right side, to visually represent moving towards the end.
- Did you do the spacing between the buttons with spaces?
No, it comes from the theme.
OK, looks good.