Michal Čihař schrieb:
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:29:56 +0100 Sebastian Mendel lists@sebastianmendel.de wrote:
how about changing our changelog structure?
are you all happy with current structure?
some suggestion:
- date only once per day
Why to include date at all? I thing only thing which is really interesting to changelog reader is version information. Details are always available in subversion.
so use CHANGELOG only as 'End-User-Changelog'?
so something like:
2007-02-09 Michal Čihař michal@cihar.com * lang/czech: Fix syntax error (sorry for that).
will not appear there ... ?
in this case cause it was introduced and fixed between releases
2006-07-13 User - USer
Why is here name twice?
Sebastian Mendel - cybot_tm
- BUGFIX: #123456 - bug report title - BUGFIX: some notices
repeating BUGFIX on each line looks a bit overhead for me. How about only sign which will determine type of record?
onyl sign would be fine for me - but for the end-user?
- bug #123465 [themes] - fixed something (User Name user@nowhere.org)
- RFE #654321 [gui] - added support for blah and make it look better (Another User user@somewhere.org)
in brackets the user who commited?
if we have a detailed changelog (generated by subversion) there is no need for names, too
2.11-dev ======================
- bug #1616486 [dblist] server_databases does not show all databases - [sqp] updated MySQL function and column names, reserved and forbidden words - bug #1657045 [sqp] Spatial functions not supported - bug #1657037 [sqp] Missing column type "geometry" + [lang] spanish update, thanks to Daniel Hinostroza . [general] get rid of $propicon + [config] new $cfg['LeftLogoLinkWindow'] to decide in which window the logo-linked page will appear
+ = new - = bugfixc . = internal change (not really interesting for end user)