On 21/07/2010, Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info wrote:
Hi Ninad, after creating a table, the navi frame is not refreshed.
Thanks for pointing this out, I'd forgotten about this.
After creating a database and _immediately_ asking to drop it, some very weird message is displayed, instead of the jQuery drop dialog.
After creating a database and _immediately_ asking to create a table, I don't get the create table dialog.
I just checked this up because of the other mail that you sent. When a new database is created, the user is on the db_create.php page, which first includes the libraries/header.inc.php and then includes the $cfg['DefaultTabDatabase'](db_structure.php by default). As a result, the $GLOBALS['js_include'] values in db_structure.php are left unused and the js files that are necessary for the above two functions to execute are not getting included.
I'll correct both these bugs after I'm done with today's work on inline editing.