Michal Čihař schrieb:
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 17:03:28 +0200 Sebastian Mendel lists@sebastianmendel.de wrote:
Michal Čihař schrieb:
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 15:48:55 +0200 Sebastian Mendel lists@sebastianmendel.de wrote:
this was discussed more than once, someone also offered space and but didn't set it up till now ... don't know why .. probably he is waiting final decision ...
If there is enough interest, I could setup it on my host.
what means "enough interest"?
If MediaWiki would not have problems with safe mode, it would be already installed... I will probably install MoinMoin as it was second candidate :-).
i hope it is not a requirement in moinmoin to use studlycaps to get links ... this is one thing i never understood in wikis, this is ugly: PhpmyadminFaq, HowtoSetupPhpmyadmin, ...
i would prefer mediawiki, and the syntax is more known IMHO ...
what is wrong with safe mode? or why is safe mode enabled?
safe mode is the second thing i don't understand ... and PHP 6 will not have this mode anymore ...