Le 2011-07-09 22:59, Ammar Yasir a écrit :
I've done a basic version of edit functionality. I added a unique identifier for each row in the query result data by using the PMA_getUniqueCondition() from the common.lib.php file (where_clause). I then generate the update query in the edit submit event using this where clause and post it to sql.php. The return data is added to the <sqlqueryresult> div to show the query executed and the message. The plot also updates on submit if one of the axes is updated. Is my logic is okay? I've pushed my work and you can try scenarios on the film_actor table in the sakila database.
Ammar, I tried with the film table, changing the "title" column and got this error: value is undefined at line 177 in js/tbl_zoom_plot.js.