Hi Marc & list,
Marc Delisle wrote:
Alexander M. Turek a écrit :
I suggest to roll 2.6.1-pl1 because of bugs #1149381, #1149383, #1117907 and #1111855. 2.6.2 is not stable enough, imho, so a -pl1 release looks like the best idea to me.
Yes for 2.6.1-pl1. But 2.6.2 looks stable to me, it's just that we should do the proper -rc cycle with it.
My work on the views / storage engines stuff is only half-finished yet. I wouldn't want to roll out a release from the HEAD branch in this state.
The first two bugs are security related and should be considered to be serious (as discussed on the private mailing list). I'm still awaiting an answer from the original reporter of bug #1149383, but as far as I can tell, my hotfix should do the job for now.
Let's wait one day for feedback.
Marc, your fix against #1149373 looks rather trivial. Should we merge it into QA_2_6_1?
I will merge it. I think I will also merge this one: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1107078&gr...
Good idea.