Hi All!
Can you have a look at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=624712&group_id=230... and tell my if the fix provied by doug is okay for you?
Basically, this fixes the issue that when using 'same width for all tables' for the relational PDF-feature, the width of all tables is calculated *after* all arrows are drawn and thereby positions the arrows incorrectly.
The fix draws the arrows after the boxes. Eventually, this moved the arrows above the tables in certain layouts. As I am not aware of a function which uses Z-ordering in fpdf-functions, we should consider whether:
a) to have incorrect aligned arrows b) to have correctly aligned arrows, but overdrawing tables c) Do a more complete rewrite of the function.
I tend to use the provided patch (going with method b)) and leave rewriting open for
Regards, Garvin.