Op 10 maart 2012 10:21 heeft Rhythm Gupta rhythm.gupta21@gmail.com het volgende geschreven:
Hi, I'm Rhythm Gupta.I am a first year student in IIT Delhi,India. I have some coding experience in coding. I have also worked with PHP,MYSQL and have even worked on phpMyadmin. I would love to code for phpMyadmin. Since I'm new to phpMyadmin,Could you please suggest me some patches or easy to fix issues to get me started with phpMyadmin.
I'm asuming you would like to apply for GSoC? Please have a look at the guidelines for GSoC applicants [0], there you can find all the information you need. You can also try to implement one of the features in our contest [1].
[0] http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/GSoC_2012_Applicant_Guide [1] http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/contest.php
Kind regards,