sorry for not commenting so long, I delayed it for later, when I will have more time and then I forgot :-).
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:29:56 +0100 Sebastian Mendel lists@sebastianmendel.de wrote:
how about changing our changelog structure?
are you all happy with current structure?
some suggestion:
- date only once per day
Why to include date at all? I thing only thing which is really interesting to changelog reader is version information. Details are always available in subversion.
- prefix type if change: bugfix, change, new
There is always question what is change and what is new...
- add module info, f.e. sqlparser, config, themes, import, ...
Ok for me.
2006-07-13 User - USer
Why is here name twice?
- BUGFIX: #123456 - bug report title - BUGFIX: some notices
repeating BUGFIX on each line looks a bit overhead for me. How about only sign which will determine type of record?
- bug #123465 [themes] - fixed something (User Name user@nowhere.org) + RFE #654321 [gui] - added support for blah and make it look better (Another User user@somewhere.org)
BTW: When at this: try to commit to subversion with same message as you write in changelog.