Hi Marc & all!
Marc wrote:
>We just got a bug report about Javascript in Konqueror.
Are you talking about the one submitted in the bug tracker
about the left frame?
>but I wonder: should we try to work around the problems of less-
>used browsers, or clearly state which browsers phpMyAdmin
1st alternative as far as possible IMHO.
But we may also add some words in the documentation about
browsers we know they don't "like" the current phpMyAdmin
release (I'd started such a list at the top of the left.js script) .
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Hi all,
We just got a bug report about Javascript in Konqueror. Please note
that I know very little about js,
but I wonder: should we try to work around the problems of less-used
browsers, or clearly state which
browsers phpMyAdmin supports?
Hi Marc & all!
>maybe we could continue to support "advanced auth" (http-
>style) but offer for PHP4 users a new session-based login
IMHO sessions are too buggy to be use with such a
widespead application. Search for the keyword "sessions"
in the php bug database and you'll find there were and still
exist many problems depending on:
- directives in the php.ini file (for example session are
unusable with register_globals set to off since php4.01);
- the php4 sub-release;
- and the server OS.
... I'm afraid so many parameters can't be taken into account
to obtain a working session authentification system :(
Just my 2 cents,
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> Always in user_details.php3.
> Warning: Illegal string index in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/armel/phpMyAdmin-devel/user_details.php3 on line
Other suggestion : replace line 519 by
$checked = ($row && $row[$priv_priv] == "Y") ? "checked" : "";
How does it run now?
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Once upon a time, Loïc wrote:
>> Please try to replace line 35 by:
>> table_grants($row['host'], $row['user'], $dbcheck);
And Armel replied:
>Ok. Yes, it works.
>But now :
>Parse error: parse error in
>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/armel/phpMyAdmin-devel/user_details.php3 on line
Same problem. I do not have access to CVS from here, if
someone can do it...
Here is the list of the changes.
Replace line 521 by:
$checked = ($row[$priv_priv] == "Y") ? "checked" : "";
and line 610 by:
<?php if ($row['Password'] != "") { ?>
and lines 686-699 by:
if ($row['Select_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Select ";
if ($row['Insert_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Insert ";
if ($row['Update_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Update ";
if ($row['Delete_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Delete ";
if ($row['Create_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Create ";
if ($row['Drop_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Drop ";
if ($row['Reload_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Reload ";
if ($row['Shutdown_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Shutdown ";
if ($row['Process_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Process ";
if ($row['File_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "File ";
if ($row['Grant_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Grant ";
if ($row['References_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "References ";
if ($row['Index_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Index ";
if ($row['Alter_priv'] == "Y") $strPriv .= "Alter ";
and line 708 by
$edit_url .= "&edit=1&host=" . urlencode($row['Host']) . "&user=" .
and line 712 by:
$delete_url .= "&delete=1&confirm=1&delete_host=" . urlencode($row['Host'])
. "&delete_user=" . urlencode($row['User']);
and line 717 by
$check_url .= "&grants=1&host=" . urlencode($row['Host']) . "&user=" .
and line 719 by
# $check_result = mysql_query("SHOW GRANTS FOR '" . $row['User'] .
"'@'" . $row['Host'] ."'");
and line 728-730 by
<td><?php echo $row['Host']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['User'] ? "<b>" . $row['User']. "</b>" : "<font
color=\"#FF0000\">$strAny</font>"; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['Password'] ? $strYes : "<font
color=\"#FF0000\">$strNo</font>"; ?></td>
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vos emails depuis un navigateur, en POP3, sur Minitel, sur le WAP...
Don't you think it would be intersting to add some words from the last message in the thread below:
Sorry but I can't do it myself now: no access to the CVS from my office.
Hi Armel!
> Oops, in 2.2.0rc1 :
> Parse error: parse error
>in /usr/local/www/data/phpmyadmin/user_details.php3
> on line 35
> Any idea ?
Please try to replace line 35 by:
table_grants($row['host'], $row['user'], $dbcheck);
... and tell us if it works, of course ;)
ifrance.com, l'email gratuit le plus complet de l'Internet !
vos emails depuis un navigateur, en POP3, sur Minitel, sur le WAP...
maybe we could continue to support "advanced auth" (http-style) but
offer for PHP4 users a new session-based login panel? Users would have
the choice in config.inc.php3.
Can be download from http://phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net/
I submitted the change @freshmeat.net, but if somebody
could send an annoucement to the -news and -users ML's,
it would be nice : too tired and too much work tonightB...
Olivier Mueller - om(a)8304.ch - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch - http://webmail.omnis.ch
did the intentionaly set the $cfgServers[1] to 'qmail' ?
Steve Alberty [mailto:alberty@neptunlabs.de]
NeptunLabs GbR
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