Hello everyone,
I have created a prototype of a proposed redesign of the main page:
http://lorilee1.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/index_page_new.png. I feel that
this is a more logical organization of the information and makes it easier
to scan. I made the bullets all identical (in the screenshot they look like
they are different sizes but they are not supposed to be) because in the
current version, some bullets are an icon that is meaningful to that bullet
item (ex. Change password), while others simply have a triangle (ex. Custom
color) -- which, by the way, looks misleadingly clickable. This makes it
seem like these two categories of bullets mean different things, when they
actually do not.
Another feature that may be useful is allowing each group of items to be
collapsed and expanded and keeping that state for future sessions.
Please let me know what you think of these suggestions.
I want to determine the proper way to work with Git before I break my
local repository or overly complicate something simple. As I
understand, the development of projects is to take place in our own
repositories, preferably push mode repositories made here -
http://repo.or.cz/regproj.cgi?fork=phpmyadmin.git .
Currently I have a copy of
and if possible, I would like to configure it so that I will not have
to pull ~150 MB over my ADSL again. After looking at the Wiki, I came
up with these commands:
1. git remote add my-repo git://repo.or.cz/phpmyadmin/my-gsoc-fork.git
2. git remote update my-repo
3. git checkout my-repo/master
3. working on my code
4. commit
5. push (pushes to my repository)
Now, to merge main branch with my code I need to update it:
6. git checkout origin/master
7. git pull
Switch to mine branch and merge:
8. git checkout my-repo/master
9. git merge origin/master
Did I get it right?
Piotr Przybylski
in current master, many pages show this error in the js console. The
reason is that libraries/header_scripts.inc.php calls js/messages.php
which uses $.datepicker, but the date picker comes from
js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.custom.js which is not included everywhere.
Marc Delisle
libraries/kanji-encoding.lib.php refers to strEncto and strXkana which
were defined only in lang/japanese-utf-8.inc.php. With gettext
conversion these two strings have been lost.
Marc Delisle
It looks like the en-gb language file didn't make it in to the 3.3.3-rc1
distribution files, does anyone have any information about that?
(Brought to my attention by IRC user Lord-Readman)
Submitted in the patch tracker -
This is the first time I am submitting a patch using git, hopefully I
did everything OK. If not, I can put in the complete files.
Raj Shekhar
If there's anything more important than my ego around, I want it
caught and shot now.
Hi All!
First, I would like to thank the mentors for selecting my project for
the Google Summer of Code 2010, at phpMyAdmin. Also, congratulations
to the fellow GSoCers! I am looking forward to working with everyone
here and becoming a part of the community.
I've re-posted my proposal at my existing blog and will blog about the
summer's experience with the tag pma-gsoc (
http://ninadpundalik.co.cc/blog/tag/pma-gsoc/ ). Kindly provide your
suggestions, if something in the proposal is incorrect, or I have
underestimated something. I was surprised to see my blog already
added to Planet phpMyAdmin. :) I may also tweet once in a while,
using #pma-gsoc as the hashtag.
Ninad S. Pundalik
Twitter: @ni_nad | Identica : @ninad | http://ninadpundalik.co.cc/blog
GPG Key Fingerprint: 2DF7 B856 C75E C9F9 0504 C0EF D456 1946 7C45 2C69
I set up a blog [1] where I will be posting my progress reports when
GSoC begins, please add it to Planet phpMyAdmin.
[1] http://crackpl.eu/blog/
Piotr Przybylski