On IRC this morning, the user brightbeat reported that using phpMyAdmin
4.0.0 and 4.0.1 with Safari 5.1.9 results in no images being displayed at
the error message "Refused to load image from
'phpmyadmin/themes/pmahomme/img/logo_right.png' because of
I also tested with 5.1.7 under Windows and, while at the moment I don't see
any error message, every image is missing and seems to be displaying
./themes/dot.gif 1px by 1px.
According to some random site I found on the internet, CSP support is a bit
behind on Safari 5, so it seems reasonable to me to exclude support for
Safari 5 if need be. I'll point out that Safari 5 is the latest version
available for Windows and old MacOS versions, not really supported by Apple
any more but still available.
I don't know enough about how CSP works to know if this is an easy fix or
what the problem is. Is it worth opening a bug ticket or should we
depreciate support for Safari 5?