Hi all
while adding support for Selenium testing, I've noticed that with MSIE
7 and older, you get always get just a blank page due to Javascript
errors. So maybe it's time to stop claiming we support these :-).
Michal ÄŒihaÅ™ | http://cihar.com | http://phpmyadmin.net
I was going through the codes and at many places I found use of
*count() *inside
the *for* statement.
I think statements like
*for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)*
should be converted with statements like
*$len = count($arr);*
*for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)*
this would help us speed up the whole phpMyAdmin system.
Being a newbiee to phpmyadmin, i want to know thw workflow of the code?
Can somebody tell me the link for documentation of the code ??
Rajat Aggarwal
I think the feature request [0] will be a useful one. As Marc mentioned we
need the think about saving the space in navigation panel. What about use 2
radio buttons to switch between Recent Tables and the Favourite Tables with
the same drop down as displayed in the image [1]. Using a tool tip for
radio buttons will help to familiar with this feature.
To make it more configurable, we can use two global variables for enabling
this feature and for default radio selection (whether Recent Tables by
default or Favourite Tables by default). I didn't look into the
implementations yet. But I think it should be possible.
Appreciate your thoughts on this.
[0] : http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/1476/
[1] : http://i.imgur.com/NGjIvNA.png
Regards !
Chanaka Dharmarathna
Hello everyone,
I am trying to solve
Bug#4279<http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/4279/> with
Pull#923 <https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/pull/923>.
I've successfully solved first part of the bug report. But in the second
part I am stuck a little. So I want suggestions from developer community.
Here's the scenario, as per my understanding.
1. For select-box, on UP/DOWN arrow key events, values change as per its
default behavior.
2. A function named onKeyDownArrowsHandler() is called whenever CTRL +
UP or DOWN is pressed.
Now on pressing CTRL + UP/DOWN, both of the above events are fired.
What I want to do is to differentiate between *CTRL + UP/DOWN* and *only
UP/DOWN* in onKeyDownArrowsHandler() function. Or in other way I want to
suppress default behavior of select-box if it's pressed in combination with
CTRL key.
I tried printing keyCode in log, but it only shows keyCode of either CTRL
or UP/DOWN depending on whichever is pressed first.
I also tried e.preventDefault() , but that does not work with select-box
either. After a little searching around on internet, I came across some bug
reports of Mozilla. See
and MozillaBug#291082 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291082>
Is there any other way of achieving the same..??
Please give your valuable suggestions.
Dhananjay R. Nakrani,
Undergraduate Student,
CSE Department,
Institute Of Technology,
Nirma University,
Ahmedabad, India.
Right now clicking the a procedure from the navigation panel brings up the
edit dialog box.
I think execute dialog box is more appropriate for this.
What's your suggestions on this?
Umair Khan