As mentioned in bug 3364150 ( executing multiple queries currently doesn't give the user any feedback when ajax requests is enabled.
This is due to the fact that: - On multiple queries, no success message is shown, but instead, the query text is altered to append a comment displaying success or failure on each query - Due to the recent addition of codemirror, this text is not correctly updated anymore. (which could be fixed fairly easily though)
I find this bug quite severe because it leaves the user in the dark of what pma is doing, so I would propose to fix this soon and properly.
A proper fix, imo, should look like this: Executing multiple queries should behave the same as executing a single query, UI wise. With that I mean it should show the same type of sucess/error message box below the navigation. It could contain the following information:
- When all queries were ok: "Querie(s) executed sucessfully" in a green box - When some queries failed: "x out of y Queries failed. Details" in a yellow box and 'Details' being a link to javascript-show the single mysql errors of each failing query - When all queries failed: "All queries failed. Details" in a red box, with Details being again a js-show-box-link