Hello Shriti Arora and welcome to you and your team members.
Manish and Raghuram both have written quite good information; I'll just add a few things in-line below.
On 8/6/17 11:26 AM, Shriti Arora wrote:
Dear Sir/Ma'am
I am Shriti Arora , an engineering student majoring in Computer Science from India. My team members and I are deeply interested in contributing in the open source of Phpmyadmin.
We always welcome new contributors and enjoy getting pull requests.
As novice open source developers, we'd like to know how can we contribute to Phpmyadmin so that it aids in your growth as well as our learning experience. Having gone through similar projects, We have the following idea: While working on this project our main focus would be fixing issues that come up daily along with contributing in the code for the upcoming future features.
As you can see in the issue tracker[1], there are many issues that come in and simply haven't been properly confirmed and tested or haven't yet been fixed.
You and your team are welcome to jump in and begin looking through to see if there's any issue that catches your attention. For some bigger issues, we recommend discussing them first (on this mailing list or in the tracker itself) in case there is some implementation detail that needs to be decided.
There's a wiki with some pages that might be helpful[2] and the issue tracker has some 'newbie' issues tagged[3] which are recommended for new contributors.
We have taken this as a college project , which would be graded at the end of the semester.
How would you be graded on this; would the professor ask for anything from the phpMyAdmin team or simply follow your work and code contributions through the semester?
Your assistance in this matter is highly appreciated.Looking forward to hearing from you
Regards, Shriti Arora
Thanks for your interest and best wishes, Isaac
1 - https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/ 2 - https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/wiki/Developer_guidelines 3 - https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label...