Hello Michal,
Am 2017-01-06 17:10, schrieb Michal Čihař:
First of all this is really not the place to ask for support, see <http s://www.phpmyadmin.net/support/>.
Lukas L. píše v Út 03. 01. 2017 v 15:39 +0100:
I have a problem with the Cookie authentication. I will try to explain my setup and the appearing problem as good as possible. It's a bit complicated due to the fact, that there is no error message in the interface and in the logs.
The system is an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) with PHP-FPM, Nginx and MySQL installed from the package repositories.
I use PHP-FPM pools, where every pool, has an own chroot.
Nginx connects to PHP-FPM with Unix-Sockets.
I am using phpMyAdmin version
phpMyAdmin is installed and accessible on a subdomain. All traffic is exchanged via HTTPS.
Actually phpMyAdmin connects to MySQL via TCP connection. The problem is, that the Cookie authentication doesn't work. So if I set $cfg[auth_type] = "cookie"; I can't login to phpMyAdmin. The interface and the logs doesn't show any errors. When I change the mentioned variable to "http" so that HTTP Auth is used, the login works without problems.
I use a few special PHP settings for security reasons. They are mostly the same as in the OWASP PHP Configuration Cheat Sheet. This document can be found here: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/PHP_Configuration_Cheat_Sheet
Are you accessing phpMyAdmin over https? If not than setting session.cookie_secure = On from that list will break it as the browser won't send back the cookies.
Developers mailing list Developers@phpmyadmin.net https://lists.phpmyadmin.net/mailman/listinfo/developers
I know that this mailinglist isn't really the right place to ask for help. But I think the problem is that deeply related to the phpMyAdmin Source, that it can't be solved very easy.
I'm accessing phpMyAdmin via HTTPS. I tested the mentioned setting in On and Off state. In both situations it doesn't work.
As I told, i'm getting no errors. So I have no indications where to search the problem. I think this would just be possible when I would know the phpMyAdmin Source in detail.
Best Regards