Dne Mon, 06 Jun 2011 12:38:12 -0400 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info napsal(a):
What country do you live in (country of residence)?
How old are you (in years)?
I think it's good to know some basic information about our users.
Which phpMyAdmin version(s) are you using? (because we know that host providers and distros do not tend to upgrade quickly; knowing what's the version used by the persons answering the survey won't give us the full picture)
You can usually install own copy of phpMyAdmin, so this still gives us the information how much are people willing to be up to date.
Which MySQL version(s) are you using? (I'm not sure what will be the benefit of knowing this)
To see how many people can use features introduced in new MySQL versions.
Which PHP version(s) do you use to run phpMyAdmin? (because it might be difficult for them to answer)
Indeed it might be.
Rate your own proficiency with SQL
I find interesting to find out whether phpMyAdmin is mostly used by novices or by people who have great knowledge of SQL, but are lazy to write it :-).