Salutations, phpmyadmin-devel!
I today finished the JavaScript popup SQL query window (nice term ;-) which works quite nicely. Think you will pretty much like it. :)
I now started on the mimetype-stuff and have a question for you who have php3-access:
Is variable function calling possible in this version? Something like $queryfunction($string)?
It's because I'm implementing something like a transformation-plugin directory. Every php file is a transformation on its own with a specific filename. Inside the file the function should be called like the filename, so I would like to do the following:
1. Find out the mimetype and transformation for a field 2. Search for the php-file which contains the transformation 3. Include that file 4. Because multiple plugins can be called on a single page, a single function name is not possible. So I now want to call the included function with $transformation($buffer, $options).
I somehow guess, that this is not possible with PHP3? If you, can you as well check if this leads to a parse error:
if (str_replace('.', '', PHP_VERSION) > 403) { $php4functiononly(); }
If it does I would have to include this function call from another page, which will surely be a major performance hit for larger result sets. :-\
-- Bye, ...[ icq #21392242 | Garvin ...[ |
... *"Don't try and threaten me, Mulder... I watched presidents die" - CM*