Jürgen Wind schrieb:
Sebastian Mendel wrote:
$strTable . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($table) . ' ' . $strHasBeenAltered;
should become
sprintf($strTableAlteredSuccessfully, $table);
'Table %1 has been altered successfully'
(i know in English it makes no difference, but in other foreign languages it could)
for Example in German it sounds better to use 'Die Tabelle' (the table) instead of just 'Tabelle' (table) in this case
I second that, it will sound better (at least in german). But what about "htmlspecialchars" ?
of course htmlspecialchars() will also be applied
the above was just an example how it should be applied, i would use it like:
$message = PMA_Message::success('strTableAlteredSuccessfully'); $message->addParam(htmlspecialchars($table));