hi all,
this is my first email and I'm trying to solve my first bug... so any help would be appreciate :)
As marc suggested I'm trying to solve this bug https://sourceforge.net/tracker2/?func=detail&aid=2107583&group_id=2...
I think i've found a way to solve it but I'm not really happy with the solution.
The main problem with this bug is when you write this 2 html the submited value is the same (and it shouldn't) -------------------------------------------- code 1: <textarea>hi</textarea> -------------------------------------------- Code 2 (see the \n before 'hi'): <textarea> hi</textarea> --------------------------------------------
I can't understand why the textarea tag ignores the first \n (or \r). The easiest way to solve it (but I don't like it) is add an extra \n just before the text like this -------------------------------------------- Code 3 (see the \n\n before 'hi'): <textarea>
hi</textarea> -------------------------------------------- As this line is ignored all the times it should work (I don't know if all the browsers ignores this \n...)
do you have any better ideas? Attached you can see a php example to reproduce the bug.