Hi Marc!
Garvin, we already have PMA_getComments($db, $table). Did you find someplace not using this call to fetch comments?
I haven't looked at the codebase specifically, so I just wanted to make sure it's abstracted at the "root" level :)
By "switch" I meant this: suppose someone already has comments in pmadb. Does he have to reenter them in the MySQL structure?
Oh, that's a very important thing, I nearly forgot. Maybe it would be the best way to make getComments() fetch both PMA-data and MySQL 4.1 data. I don't know aobut the performance impact though, but that way we could use data from both worlds". We could even emit a warning if MySQL 4.1 is found AND there is comment data fetched from the PMADB: "Please use migrate your PMAdb data to the new MySQL 4.1 structure using [link]this command[/link]. Any future stored comments are saved in MySQL 4.1 format only".
Or something like that...? Maybe even automatically migrate any PMAdb data into MySQL 4.1 on first call...
Regards, Garvin.