Hi Marc,
Am 12.03.2010 12:41, schrieb Marc Delisle:
Michael Keck a écrit :
I see the points. Then by default caching is disabled. I can distribute the compiled templates, but cached templates makes no sense,because theese are genereted by the installed environment. It means the cached files includes servers, databases, language specific things etc. Caching would be only a feature to improve perfomance.
We'll have to see what kind of performance we get without caching.
On things, wich are not changed every time, caching increase performance. Please take a look at: http://www.ohrensessel-filme.de. This page loads 10 times faster with cache. Templates are only written, if any thing has been changed, means html-files are written and then included. Otherwise, the cache file is used, it means php includes a html-file.
Compiled templates are mainly php files. Perhabs, the we don't need to distribute the template sources, only the compiled version of them is required.
This is why I asked a question, in a previous message. Templates are done for who?
The compiled for all, the sources for developers and interested peoples only. A compiled version of a template is like a procedural php-file with some functions and is written by the template-engine from the sources.
The developers?
Would they be beneficial also to anyone who wants to contribute/modify the code?
Yes, they only need to modify the skin (sources), not the functional of phpMyAdmin. That's the pro.
What is the real goal of going to templates?
* Separate php-code from html output * Making layouting and theming (I call this skins) more flexible. * User can download the source of a base skin and build there own: They don't need anything know about functional things in phpMyAdmin. o If in user's environment, permission is set to write files and directories they can directly use their skin o If a user want to share his skin, he can upload his skin-sources in theme tracker. o Then we can check and compile and release it.
* Less security problems, cause only skins are changed, phpmyadmin core functions are excluded from this. Things wich are not supported, allowed or restricted are ignored by the template engine. * Better bugfixing: we know directly where the bug is, in skin or in pma-functions
I get this idea of template-based phpMyAdmin, cause I have some problems to fix the current themes (which are at the moment done only with cascading stylesheet) of changed html-code in php-functions:
* ID's are changed, * clases are changed * new icons * new features
This is not flexible enough (see i.e. artic-ocean, I've to write a terribble fix to make navigationbar fixed).
For developers we can distribute a default template source. For us we should perhabs store all template sources in an etxra trunk?
I don't have experience with templating systems to offer insight about this question.
I mean, we have in svn/git a '/themes' folder? Perhabs I would add new one: '/skins' with the subdirs '/skins/sources/' and '/skins/compiled/'.
Regards Michael