Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
Jürgen Wind schrieb:
Sebastian Mendel wrote:
is there any bug report about this at mysql? (i have'nt read it yet)
ok, so this fixed in released version of 4.1 and 5.0
so, if we add some warning than only for < 5.0.23 / 4.1.21
we should introduce a Class for testing
class PMA_Tests { function runAll() { ... } function checkMySqlBug14515() { ... } function checkMySqlBugXXX() { ... } function checkPhpBugXXX() { ... } }
so we can have one global place where all test can run (setup script?) and individually places where only one test can be run.
using just one generic locale string like 'This action/page is affected by a known bug in your MySQL version. See'
Yes it's a good idea. Having a look at what exists currently in PMA, in main.php we do some tests and emit warnings. I would not use the setup script for this kind of warnings, as not everyone use this scripts.
In main.php we have specific messages like $strPHP40203 and more general messages used like this:
echo '<div class="warning">' . sprintf($strUpgrade, 'PHP', '4.1.0') . '</div>' . "\n";
Instead of the functions you suggested, we could call, at the start of each feature (say, export), a generic function
PMA_checkVersion($component, $minimum_version, $bug_number)
with the generic message you suggested.