Geert Lund - SilverSoft Productions a écrit :
Hey again :-)
Debate? Which debate? It's a requirement, isn't it?
Well, if we decides that we don't give a damn about older software-versions then we can do it - so we must start with agreeing that it's a requirement and not an option... But hopefully we all agree - but I mention it because we are many people in the development team - and because more and more people (users) suggest ways of improving the source code - and my point was that not all bugfixes may just end up implemented in phpMyAdmin without checking (and maybe even discussing) security and compablity issues...
My greatest fear at the moment is that with all the many code-changes that's made every day - that we start to compromise with both security and compability issues - and with this very powerfull database administration tool - it's IMNSHO very - very very - important to always keep security issues as a top priority - it's better to leave out a fancy feature to later implementation - than to just give a damn about the security and hope that it'll be fixed later...
I respect the points you mention, but I would like a clarification on your part.
Are you only "feeling" a fear, or do you have facts to back your point that the code-changes are starting to compromise security and compatibility?
The beauty of open-source development is that anyone can see the changes and send warnings to a developer or to the list; and I think that all developers here are open to discuss their changes and improve our collective skills.