Michal Čihař schrieb:
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 09:33:27 +0200 Sebastian Mendel lists@sebastianmendel.de wrote:
is there a problem with replacing font-size 10px with f. e. 8pt in darkblue orange theme?
Are you ready for bug reports about wrong font size? :-) But pt should be better than px.
bug reports about font size? ... ;-)
i have absolutely no problem with leaving it at 10px! just a question!
font size of 10 px gives me an absolute hight of X with about 1.3 mm and absolut height of x about 0.9mm - nearly unreadable! (my sytem is running at 144 DPI)
Hmm, it should also help me, however I prefer original theme since it doesn't change font size :-)
ok, i read this as an agree
i will wait for some others on this list to leave a comment