On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 16:34:40 -0500 Marc Delisle Marc.Delisle@cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca wrote:
we got a few requests about this. Probably the most common generator of CSV files is MS Excel, and this fine application, when saving as CSV, generates a semi-colon separated file with no possibility of specifying the enclosing character (at least in the default dialog, I did not dig everywhere).
But phpMyAdmin refuses to import it (see subject). I deactivated the message in my copy of PMA then imported some simple sample data
What about leaving enclosed by to quote? It should work.
(removing the double quotes in the CSV dialog), it went fine so I am tempted to get rid of this validation but would like to hear your comments.
I'm not sure what exactly happens in parser when this field is empty.