Michal Čihař schrieb:
Hi Sebastian
as first thing I have to admit, that I never got to read and understand that query window stuff. It's just too much javascript for me ;-).
However searching CVS logs, I found that hash was originally added because of mixing query frames among different phpMyAdmin instances (bug 723713, [1]).If you can make it work without it, I thing everybody will be happy (at least I hate our current frameset generating magic).
damn good that im not the only one having trouble with current frameset/javascript implementation for this querywindow stuff ... ;-)
so, till today no one adressed or even recognized the problem with window hijacking?
and second: the queryframe is only introduced for the querywindow? so if the querywindow doesnt need this frame anymore we can get rid of this?
my solution would be:
replace ANY window names with crypted! (window hijacking)
left frame gererates window object querywindow
var querywindow = open(...);
every access required to the qerywindow will got through this frame
access from the querywindow will user opener
opener.frame[0] ... the left frame opener.frame[1] ... the phpmain frame