Dieter Adriaenssens a écrit :
2010/9/19 Marc Delisle
Dieter Adriaenssens a écrit :
2010/9/19 Marc Delisle
Dieter Adriaenssens a écrit :
2010/9/11 Marc Delisle
P.S. I just made a test with current master and with either Quick or Custom methods, functions, procedures and events are missing from the export.
I guess they should be exported. ;)
Fixed in commit 598d3b898d.
I just prepared an identical fix, but couldn't push it because there were changes in master. ;)
Hi Dieter, do you have merge conflicts? Normally you just have to pull from master then push to it.
Hi Marc,
No conflicts. I did a pull, looked into functions/procedures/events not exporting in master, fixed it, committed (locally) and pushed it. But it gave an error, because in the mean time, you had pushed two commits, one of them fixing the same problem. So we just fixed the same bug more or less on the same moment, but you were quicker in submitting it to the repository. ;) Maybe I should have done a pull before doing the push. Is it good practice?
I think that it's a good practice to frequently pull.