I added bookmark support to the current -devel tree. I worked on a new version, and i tried to support the multi-user / multi-server configurations. But it's not very simple.
So you will see tow new value in the config.inc.php3 file :
$cfgServers[1]['bookmarkdb'] = ''; $cfgServers[1]['bookmarktable'] = '';
First one is the db where the bookmarks were stored. Second one, the table. Leave blank if you don't want to use this features.
The bookmark table structure's is detailed (for the moment) in the config.inc.php3 too.
Finally, there are 3 new strings in lang files (for the moment, in french and english file) :
$strBookmarkQuery = "Bookmarked SQL-query"; $strBookmarkThis = "Bookmark this SQL-query"; $strBookmarkLabel = "Label";
I hope not to have made a silly thing in the devel tree :p