now, some people don't want symbols like an elephant or an orca (and of course dolphines to). I know there may be some trademarks or some analogy to other things (elephant <> PostgreSQL, dolpnine <> MySQL).
So I've drawed a complete new symbol for PMA and I hope it has no analogy or trademarks on it, because I've nothing found on web wich have to do with it ;) This logo is complete (the first were to) drawed (pixle 2 pixle) by me self. The new symbol: a WALRUS. A walrus combines two animals, wich I've used in my first draws: the elephant and a fish (orca, dolphine etc.).
Now you can see it under: http://www.michaelkeck.de/pma_logo_new3.png
What do U think about it?
Regards Michael (mkkeck)