Marc Delisle wrote:
FAQ 1.11.
that doesn't help (at least not under windows) :
Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(D:\php1B0.tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/HTdocs)
in D:\HTdocs\PmaTrunk\libraries\ on line 45
Inserted rows: 1
Warning (1265): Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
SQL query:INSERT INTO `blobUplTest` ( `c1` , `DATE` , `blobF` )
'after ./tmp creation FAQ 1.11 ;)', '0', ''
FAQ 1.11 says
"Assuming that the restriction allows you to open files in the current
directory ('.')"
so IMO you need the dot into your open_basedir directive.