2011/12/18 Rouslan Placella rouslan@placella.com:
On 18/12/11 13:52, Marc Delisle wrote:
Try this on sakila.actor:
edit the PRIMARY index and add first_name to it
edit it again and remove first_name
edit it again: first_name is shown as being part of the index
Cached pages are being served. I noticed that as well, and the issue seems to be quite old. I'm guessing that PMA_ajaxResponce, which sends a no-cache header, is not being used to handle these requests.
How about solving caching issue globally with jQuery.ajaxSetup() [1]:
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
Cacheing issues pop up once in a while, this should solve them once and for all.
[1] http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajaxSetup/