Hi Michal,
I'm trying to implement titled feature. [0] In current PMA, mime type transformations sometimes not working properly if the query is selecting only field with transformation. Sometime means, if the row data string is more lengthy, data is not transformed as expected. (data with string length > 1000) Due to that, where clause for linking a image (as example) is not setting. (comparison data is too heavy) If I use manually where clause, this will display properly.
So as I think this can fix for only tables with primary key/unique key other than the field with transform. So that there may be a possibility to create where clause by executing sql (which related to display only field with transformation) with modification for retrieve both primary/unique key field and the relevant field and display only the relevant field with setting where clause properly.
Any thoughts on this ?
[0] : http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3112137&gro...
Regards !