Le 2011-07-09 12:05, Thilanka Kaushalya a écrit :
Hi Marc,
Interesting feature; however I found a problematic case. Let's say you have an ENUM in the table. Try to change its structure then click on "Get more editing space", "Add a value": you can't type a new value.
I checked with this and found that this arise because I set the "*model=true*" option in the div.dialog() and when it is set, it disables the reset of the input fields. When I removed that it fixed the bug. But I'm not sure this is correct because when I removed "*model=true*" it will not disable the rest and so there will be issues occur when the user can click on multiple change links and popping up many dialog boxes at the same time. Is there any other way of fixing this. Please help me on this. Thank you.
Regards, Thilanka.
Thilanka, maybe suhajdab's answer can help you: http://forum.jquery.com/topic/making-a-diolog-box-open-another-dialog-box-wh...
P.S. In "Ajax event handler for single column change" you are using $url; it should be url because this is not a jQuery object.