Dne Tue, 30 Mar 2010 15:15:57 +0530 Kishanthan Thangarajah kshanth2101@gmail.com napsal(a):
Do you have any suggestion on creating a postscript file other than what i have mentioned above? If so can you direct me to those resources.
I don't have any experiences with this. Quick googling reveals some links:
http://www.koders.com/php/fidEA8BDDEB11481C34BA2A0775B0E9AF5DAB0AC95B.aspx http://php.net/manual/en/book.ps.php
Using existing libraries will have an advantage of writing small amount of code , so i prefer to use some external libraries for this project.
As long as you find something properly maintained and in good shape, there is no problem in including external libraries.