Hi Dieter,
Hi Michal,
I did related modifications on converting PMA_CommonFunctions class to a static class. Now that class has renamed as PMA_Util. My pull request
can be
found at [0].
Patches look good (apart from a cosmetic remark, see comment in gituhub), OK for me to merge.
First, thanks for reviewing it soon. :) I feel I need more clarification on the comment before doing modifications. Are you mentioning about the new lines just after starting brace of functions (all functions) ? In my point, I feel if any function have very few lines (less than 10 or like that), no need of empty line at the just after starting brace of that function. But for others the empty line will help to improve readability.
Please let me know am I misunderstood your point. And if I modify this, do I need to again make a pull request as I did before ? (That was my first pull request :) )
Regards !