MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability. Within seconds, it will display statistics about your MySQL installation and the areas where it can be improved. More info at
I am currently porting this script into a PHP class, that will have these public functions - - constructor - analyze - get_variable_tuneups - get_general_tuneups - get_engine_tuneups (not yet ready)
I wanted to see if there is some interest from the PMA developers in integerating this into PMA. Currently there are tabs to show the variables and status counters (server_status.php and server_variables.php). I was thinking of a server_tuneups.php script that would print out tuning recommendations.
This is not a GSoC project.
Let me know what you think.
Thanks, Raj Shekhar