----- Original Message -----
From: Tyron Madlener tyronx@gmail.com
On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Aris Feryanto aris_feryanto@yahoo.com wrote:
Just noticed in current master, if we have cfg_BrowsePointerEnable=true (it
is default to true) and browse a table, the row is not highlighted completely when we hover a row.
From the git bisect, I found it happen first time after:
commit f771e68a73dfca6199030c1598b23e92de50f64c : - Fix for: If the moseout event on the row highlighting fails to get
called (e.g. when having html code in the row), the toggle class will wrongly assign the hover class next time the element is being hovered over
- Better formatted PMA_createChart()
I'm to blame for that bug. I've changed the hover behavior because my table rows in the server variables table stayed highlighted sometimes when the user hovers over them vertically while having the moue near the edit link. That this change works for some tables (such as table structure) but not for table browsing is surprising.
Hi Tyron,
I think it works for other tables because there are .odd:hover and .even:hover in the CSS code.
The reason for the bug it is that on table browsing the event.type var is 'mousenter' not 'mouseover' altough the jQuery docs for .live() say mouseenter is mapped to mouseover. Or am I understanding it wrong?
Don't know for sure, but when I checked with chrome developer tools, the .live('hover'), event.type is always 'mouseenter' or 'mouseleave'.
"As of jQuery 1.4.1 the hover event can be specified (mapping to mouseenter and mouseleave, which, in turn, are mapped to mouseover and mouseout)." - http://api.jquery.com/live/
-- Aris Feryanto