Smita a écrit :
On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 5:30 PM, Marc Delisle wrote:
Smita a écrit :
I have started working on Central List of Columns. I had to clarify few things so writing here.
Central columns list will be stored per database, right ?
But while using all columns will be available to use from all databases
users ?
I believe that in general, it will be better to only show the central list for the current db. There might be some cases where it's useful to show a column list for more that one db or to give a choice of db, but the UI would be too complex IMO.
yeah, agree. We'll see if we can make it simpler when we works on that.
Where do we keep "manage central columns list" tab ? I'm thinking
menu tab will be a good place may be ?
I suggest to put this link on the db Structure page, next to "Data dictionary".
Places where users can have options to add/delete columns to central list:
- on db_structure page,
with selected(table): sync unique columns to central list : delete its columns from central list
- A link "manage central columns list" on db_structure page next to "Data
Dictionary", on click of that a new page opens within PMA that let user to add one or more columns at a time from tables in selected database and give option to remove the already added columns.
- on tbl_structure page,
with selected (columns): add to central columns list : delete from central columns list Will these be fine ?
This is what I have done till now:
- - > added line $cfg['Servers'][$i]['central_columns'] =
'pma__central_columns'; how to commit config changes ? as its in git-ignore
No, your commit should go to config.sample.php and libraries/config.default.php.
- examples/create_table.sql -> added the Table structure for table
- In General settings block on landing page -> added "Manage central
of columns link" that goes to prefs_central_columns.php?token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx [1.png] As this is a new feature, users wont be knowing anything like
exist so keeping a link at landing page that points to it should be good.
See my suggestion above. I thing that putting a link on the landing page is too prominent.
- In the settings menu tab added another submenu "manage Central Columns
List" where user can choose columns to add to the list and delete from
list.[2.png, 3.png]
See my suggestion above.
For adding the columns, we'll give users a dropdown of all databases and for selected database, checkboxes with columns name/definition to add to central list.
let me know if any concerns?
Thanks and Regards
- Smita
-- Marc Delisle (phpMyAdmin)