Hi Sebastian!
I strongly disagree. I need and use the "Import" dialog nearly once a day and don't want to resort
from the querywindow? what are the advantages?
Yes, the advantage is that I have that window always open. Sometimes my main phpmyadmin windows displays a PDF or a Dump without the SQL tab. I would need additional clicks to get to the import screen, which I wouldn't find nice.
At least 2 of my co-workers also have their windows open all the time and use that for SQL related tasks...
http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/4809/pmahead3sj.jpg How come?
what looks odd with this?
Look at "Abfrageeditor". It looks garbaged.
Also the thick border under the items has not been there before.
Also look at the 1px spacing between the items and the line.
I have not modified my template/design, of course. :)
Regards, Garvin