Le 2012-06-27 07:15, Dieter Adriaenssens a écrit :
2012/6/25 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info:
Hi, I hoped to completely remove usage of Highcharts for 3.5.2 but I am stuck on a problem.
What kind of problem?
On the Status page, version 3.5 displays some live charts. We have to find a jqplot way to display, on the x axis, time values that have only a few seconds between them.
I found this thread that might help us: [0]
Also, jqplot does not offer the sliding animation on the charts so we'll have to accept this loss, if we go the jqplot way.
Therefore I suggest to release 3.5.2-rc1 with the current state of QA_3_5 branch.
OK. Out of interest : this means that Highcharts will still be part of 3.5.2?
Yes; nobody offered to help on this conversion.
[0] http://groups.google.com/group/jqplot-users/browse_thread/thread/d56092c72ea...