On 21-01-11 16:06, Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
Hi Herman, Seems tests are going to work again. I installed required packages and was able to pass some test cases. Is there a raised issue regarding test coverage? I looked into issues and could not find one. If there is some thing like I can add a comment and ask something unclear when ever I need some help. Could you please create one if there is not existing one?
I've just opened https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3170421&group_id=23...
On 24-01-11 12:03, Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
- Failing Tests
PmaSeleniumLoginTest.php with this server log http://pastie.org/1492272
It's hard to read from that log what happens. What is you single step such a test. Can you see valid credentials being input into the login form?
I googled but could not find a solution.
And other remaining tests (non-selenium) are also failing saying "Undefined variable: _SESSION"
I am running tests on Ubuntu10.10 and xampp-linux-1.7.3a. I think I am missing some thing. Can you help me to get this working?
Are you running tests from the command line or via http?
Sorry for the delay.