Le 2011-04-20 23:24, Mike Homme a écrit :
-----Original Message----- From: Marc Delisle [mailto:marc@infomarc.info] Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:15 AM To: phpmyadmin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Phpmyadmin-devel] Color of error messages in pmahomme theme
Mike Homme a écrit :
My latest commit includeds:
.notice: which was yellow-ish, is now a light blue. .warning: is now the yellow-ish color that "notice" was. .error: changed to the pinkish background with black (not
red) text.
.success: background stays the green color.
I think this addresses the hard to read colors, and also puts colors in a more standard "order of importance", if there is such a thing. ; )
The light blue of ".notice" can be confused with the color of links. See
example the server Status page.
I see what you mean, will fix.
For ".error", I'm happy with your change.
Err, well, now I'm not. : )
On the demo server (Home screen), I see two messages at the bottom. One is ".warning" and the other is ".error". I'd suggest the two styles be identical (which is what I meant to do) . Would making them the same work well with other user cases in the app? Or does .error and .warning have specific meanings and they should look different?
The idea was that an error is "worst" and needs more immediate attention than a warning; however the choice of error/warning is of course open to interpretation.
In the original theme, the icon is different. A warning is "softened" with the icon containing an exclamation mark but is still considered a somewhat problematic message.
Now I suspect that we could have only three levels, to remove the "open to interpretation" problem.
success: a confirmation that all is fine ("Table has been copied", "Bookmark created").
notice: a neutral message to inform of something ("Inserted row id", "Query took 0.01 seconds").
error: this is a problem (would cover the current errors and warnings).
For ".success", I see a yellow background #EBF8A4 with green border #A2D246, with this what you meant?
. I actually haven't changed the .success style since I "toned them down" about a month ago, per user feedback. So yes, it's greenish to me but, I'm OK with it as-is.