Hi Rabus!
which works quite nicely. Think you will pretty much like it. :)
Great. Could you submit a patch to the patch tracker so we can test it?
I will do so as soon as I got the mime-stuff working. At the moment I have a huge working directory with 10 different fixes/new features. I will split them up to different chunks from the big file. I'm afraid I don't get the usage of splitdiff and how I can consequently update diffs without interfering themselves. So I will split it up manually as soon as my work is done. Expect all patches by Monday or Tuesday. Maybe earlier, it depends on how good everything is going.
BTW, how can I include non-added files to my diff? I created severl of them, and they don't show up using cvs diff -udHwbRN. BTW, patch file size is currently 100kb and growing...
Regards, Garvin.