Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
i would like to replace $cfg QueryFrame und QueryFrameJS by QueryWindow
- allways display SQL icon in left frame
OK for me.
QueryWindow = true
- always opens the QueryWindow (from left frame and from 'edit sql' in
sql tab)
QueryWindow = false or not js capable browser
- always opens sql tab
QueryWindow = 'left' or 'onlyleft' or ?
- from query icon in left frame opens QueryWindow
- from 'edit sql' in sql tab open query in sql tab
with last default beeing default
I think that when js-capable, this icon should always open a distinct window, so no need for true/false. So the choices could be
onlyleft: querywindow opens only when clicking the icon in left panel
all: querywindow opens when clicking the icon in left panel or any SQL tab
P.S. Please have a look at the bug tracker, about "query window functionality".